Grace Episcopal Preschool
Classroom News

September 2005 News
Ms. Evelyn – Music
Welcome to a Grace Episcopal Preschool. I am very excited about the new school year. In music class my primary goal is to make sure the children are enjoying themselves. While having fun there are many things we can learn such as:
- Rhythm – clapping, marching, and with instruments
- Listening skills
- How to make our own music
- Sound Awareness
- Movement and Coordination
- Music Appreciation
We will also be singing lots of fun songs, some old familiar ones and some new ones. I like to use a variety of music: Christian, ethnic, jazz and classical. Please feel free to stop by any class day and join our fun. I also keep copies of all the songs and the words to the songs we are singing in class available for you to take home if you wish to reinforce the songs at home with your child(ren). Please feel free to take a copy, but please leave the copy of my lesson plans for other parents to read.
“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will sing with joy because of you. I will sing praise to you, Almighty God.” Psalm 9:1,2
“Sing to him a new song; play skillfully upon the strings.” Psalm 33:3
Ms. Robin
Welcome! I am so excited about the start of our new school year. We will be having so much fun in our class. I am looking forward to teaching each and every one of your precious children. This is going to be a very fun and busy month for your children. It will be a time of adjustment to new surroundings and schedules. I encourage all parents to come and visit our classroom once we all get settled and used to being together. I also want to invite parents to join us on Tuesdays when we go to chapel.
This month we will begin with learning about ourselves and how special we all are. We will learn about our families and how we are alike and different in how we live. We will then end the month of September with a study of our 5 senses (hearings, sight, smell, taste, and touch). Our month will be fun and filled with learning. I know it will go all too fast; so don’t blink!
Ms. Karrie
Wow….what a busy room we had on Meet the Teacher Night! I can’t wait to get started. We’ll begin our year learning how very special we all are to the people who love us and to the God who created us. Throughout the year our class will be learning how we, ourselves, relate to the world around us. I’m so thankful that you are willing to share your children with me. There’s much fun to be had!
Ms. Leigh
Welcome to a new year at Grace Preschool!! Our class includes seven wonderful children: Abby, Emily, Ethan, Jonathan, Max, Nicolas, and Noah. This month our theme will be the ocean. We will begin our year leaning about school, the classroom, each other, and ourselves. Throughout the year we will become familiar with the alphabet and numbers. We will also be cooking, singing, learning about science, and developing our gross and fine motor skills. Most importantly, we are going to have fun! Remember, children learn through play! We love to get messy. Please do not send your child in nice clothes because they will be coming home “less” clean than when they arrived. J
Ms. Vicki
September is finally here! I can hardly wait to start with my amazing three year olds! We will begin the month getting comfortable with our daily routine and classroom rules. We’ll be meeting and learning about our new classmates, nourishing friendships and celebrating those things that make us unique. By the second week we should be ready to begin working on our listening skills and diving into our letters and numbers, beginning with the first letter of our names. I am always open to new ideas and welcome you to our class at any time. Let the journey begin!
Ms. Linda
Welcome to a fun and exciting new school year at Grace Episcopal Preschool! This is my fifth year here at Grace, and I feel blessed to be part of such an exceptional preschool program! I am so excited about teaching and getting to know your precious child! We are going to be learning and doing so many fun and interesting things! Our first unit of study is “I Come to Preschool”. The purpose of this unit is to help children develop awareness that school is a happy, safe place where they can enjoy learning and playing with friends. Concepts to be emphasized are: “I can have fun at preschool”; “I have a teacher and other special helpers at school”; “I can help take care of my preschool room”; “My preschool is a safe place”; “I come to preschool to play and learn.” Academically, we will explore the colors: red, blue, yellow and green; the shapes: circles, triangles, squares and rectangles; the numbers: 1 and 2; the letters: A, B, and C. Each child will be allowed to move forward at his or her own pace. Our cooking project will be applesauce! Show and Tell will be every Thursday. Please always feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or concerns! Happy Birthday to Nicole Colangelo who will be 4 years old on September 6th! Welcome to our class ASHLEY, NICOLE, JESSIE, REAGAN, JUSTIN, CONNOR, GAVIN, and COLE!
Ms. Diane
I am so excited and honored to have your children in my class this year. It is going to be a time for learning and growing for all of us. We will begin the year getting to know each other, our school, the daily schedule, and classroom expectations. Weekly events include Chapel at 9:15 on Tuesdays, Music at 10:10 on Wednesdays, and Show and Tell at 10:10 on Thursdays. We will also have a weekly scavenger hunt for items beginning with the letter of the week. You are welcome to join us anytime. Every Thursday, I will send home a brief newsletter letting you know what we will be discussing and if there are any needs for the following week. Please feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns. Don’t forget about our Muffin Mixer at 9:15 Thursday, September 15, and the Grace Episcopal Church Fish Fry 5:00 – 8:00 Saturday, September 17 at the Community Center. It’s going to be an awesome year for all! Happy birthday to Aidan September 20!
Ms. Neitsch
Welcome to the Fabulous Fours! We are going to have a great time this year. During September we are going to explore the beginning of the alphabet A, B, C, by cooking, art, songs and play. We also are going to have some fabulous authors this month: Eric Carle, Norman Bridwell, and Jan & Stan Berenstain during our literature time. W will also have so much fun experiencing our classroom through painting, sensory tubs, blocks, dramatic play, play-dough, writing, math manipulatives, and wonderful books. Let the fun begin!
Ms. Micki
I am very excited to begin my first year at Grace Episcopal Preschool! While this is my first year at Grace, this is my fifth year working at a preschool and my third year teaching fours. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone here at Grace. We will begin our year by becoming acquainted with our new friends, our class schedule and discussing mutual respect and manners. We are going to have a great year!
Grace Episcopal Preschool 1314 East University Ave Georgetown, TX 78627 (512) 863-6214