Grace Episcopal Preschool

Programs to help our preschool
Reasons to Recycle
Recycle your old HP, Dell, or Lexmark inkjet or laser cartridges in the box in our hallway. We will receive $1 per cartridge.
Albertson’s Community Partners
The Community Partner Program offers a percentage of sales to designated schools. Please go by Ginny’s Office and pick a Community Partner Program card and use it when you shop at Albertsons! Buy your groceries and make money for Grace Preschool at the same time.
Spirit Nights at Chick-fil-A
Beginning January 23
Come join our preschool families for food and fun! Drop your meal receipt at our Grace Preschool table, and our school receives 10%. Don’t have time to come in? Give the drive-thru window clerk your receipt and tell him/her to place it in our Preschool box. Spirit Night will continue through the school year every 4th Monday from 5 to 8 p.m. Mark these dates: January 23, February 27, March 27, April 24, and May 22
H.E.B. Bag Collection
We have teamed up with H.E.B. and Enviro-bag in a School Recycling Program. We collect and roll H.E.B. bags to send to Enviro-bag. They are then used to produce Enviro-bag trash bags which can be purchased at any H.E.B. Our school can earn up to $1 per pound for clean, rolled grocery bags from H.E.B. If you would like to help roll the bags, see a school board member, Ms. Ginny, or Ms. Evelyn.
Office Depot
When you shop at any Office Depot, give them our school id number to help G.E.P. earn credits for free supplies. ID number: 70208704
Campbell’s Soup labels
Help us earn points and money by saving soup and other Campbell’s products food labels. Each month we will collect the labels from each classroom, and the one collecting the most labels will receive an ice cream, popscicle, or cookie party.
Visit Labels for Education for more information.
Please call or e-mail us with questions on the various programs.