Grace Episcopal Preschool

You should know
Dear Parents,
I would like to welcome you and your child to Grace Episcopal Preschool. We are all so excited about this year with our new friends (and some old ones, too)! We think this will be the best year ever at G.E.P. and, we plan to include several special events this year in addition to the usual holidays and events such as the Fall Festival, Thanksgiving with Grandparents, Christmas parties and program, Valentine’s Day parties, and Easter parties. We plan to take our school-wide, annual field trip to the Bliss Ranch in the spring. We encourage parent participation in preschool activities. At the beginning of each month I will send home a newsletter highlighting coming events, so mark your planners if you want to join us.
We will also be sending home book and software club orders. If you are not familiar with these, the book clubs are a wonderful way to acquire popular book and software titles for your children at very low, reasonable rates. These will go home at the beginning of the month, and the orders need to be placed within the first two weeks of each month. In addition to great values, the book clubs supply incentives and rewards to the preschool based on the amount of our orders. If you are placing an order with a check, please make one check payable to Scholastic Books. If you have any questions about this, please stop by my office and ask. Current orders will be due on September 21.
In addition to book club orders, you can help G.E.P. earn points and money several other ways. One way is by saving soup and other Campbell’s products food labels. Each month we will collect the labels from the classrooms, and the classroom collecting the most labels will receive an ice cream, popsicle, or cookie party. We also have a partnership with the Quiznos Sub on North Austin Avenue. Simply present a voucher when you order, and Quiznos will donate 10% of your purchase back to G.E.P. At Office Depot when parents provide the following ID number (ID # 70208704), G.E.P. will receive credits equal to 5% to use for free supplies.
Latest News: We are starting the 2006-2007 school year.