Grace Episcopal Preschool
Classroom News

January 2006 November 2005 News
Ms. Evelyn
Welcome to Fall everyone! The weather is finally starting to feel cooler, and the leaves are starting to change colors. For the first few weeks of November we will sing “Leaves Falling Down” and a great song thanking God for all our blessings on Thanksgiving. We also will play instruments to “Over the River and through the Woods.” Then will have to get busy preparing for our Christmas Program. This year the Christmas Program will be held on December 15, followed by classroom parties. I hope your child is enjoying our time together in music class.
Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:19-20
Ms. Robin
Wow! What an amazing month! October has just flown by. We learned about the different colors of the rainbow, fall, pumpkins and lots of fun in the process. We have kept very busy. November promises to be an equally busy, fun, and exciting month. We will be continuing with fall and Thanksgiving activities. November is a very fast month. So hang on. Don’t forget we will be honoring grandparents at our Thanksgiving Feast on November 22nd, but everyone is invited. Picture money is due Tuesday, November 2, and the canned food drive for the needy will take place throughout the month of November.
Ms. Karrie
October was a busy month in our room. We began rediscovering our colors with our handprint rainbow. Check out our window to see how beautiful it is. Then came the celebration of Fall and the many colors it brings as we discovered on our leaf hunt. We had a fun pumpkin week, too – we even carved our own Jack-O-Lantern. Finally, we ended with our always successful Fall Festival and costume parade. November will be even busier with the start of the Holiday Season. Our little two’s will
begin learning the concept of “thankfulness”; being thankful, giving thanks, showing thanks and saying “thank-you”. Turkeys, turkeys, turkeys will be abundant in our room. Be on the lookout – they’ll be
popping up all over the place. Enjoy your family this Thanksgiving. and most of all … Be THANKFUL!! And hey! We’re on the web – check us out!
Ms. Leigh
Welcome to our newest friend, Sebastian! We are so excited to have you join our class. October has flown by. Our class had so much fun during October. We learned about our community helpers, saw a real fire truck, visited the pumpkin patch, and talked about fall. We found out that autumn leaves turn yellow, orange, red, and brown. We enjoyed exploring the inside of a pumpkin and counting its seeds. The Fall Festival was a success and all the kids had fun playing games and winning prizes. November will prove to be as busy as October. I look forward to our family Thanksgiving feast honoring grandparents. The feast will be on Tuesday November 22nd. This month we will explore our feelings, family, and Thanksgiving. Watch for the delicious results of our cooking skills. Thank you to all my wonderful parents who donated prizes and their time to help make our Fall Festival a success.
Ms. Vicki
It’s Turkey Time! I can hardly believe we are approaching the end of the calendar year. Our theme for November is “Giving Thanks”. We will learn about pilgrims and Native Americans and do lots of counting with feathers and Native Americans. Food is always our focus in the month of November. We will eat lots and collect food for children who need it. Children’s Book Week is the third week in November. I will be asking for parent volunteers to read to our class. We will have many special
and important stories. Show and Tell will start this month. More details to follow soon. If you enjoy cooking with children, let me know. We can always use extra hands. Happy Birthday to Marissa who
turns four on November 30th!
Ms. Linda
Once again the days are passing too quickly! In November our unit will be “I Can Discover Autumn”. The purpose of this unit is to help preschoolers become aware of changes in their world in autumn and to thank God for making a beautiful world. Concepts to be emphasized will be “God made the world and special times of the year called seasons”; “I can use my senses to explore autumn objects”; “Many fruits and vegetables ripen and are picked in autumn”; “Thanksgiving is an autumn holiday”; “I can say thank-you to God”. Letters we will explore are “H”, “I”, and “J”. Our numbers will be “7” and “8”. Our cooking project will be pumpkin pie! We will be looking forward to our Thanksgiving Feast honoring grandparents on Tuesday, November 22nd! I want to wish a Blessed Thanksgiving to all!
Ms. Diane
I cannot believe how fast October flew by!! Thank you so much to all my parent helpers for the fall festival! November will be another quick month, I’m sure. We will be talking about fall and Thanksgiving, of course. We will be making headbands, learning placement concepts such as “under” and “beside,” exploring with liquid watercolors, and talking about things for which we are thankful. We will continue our letter studies, drawing with “Mr. Pencil,” and learning -ell words. Important dates to keep in mind are:
November 1 – 22 Collection of canned goods for the Caring Place. Collection boxes will be out.
November 2 Picture money due. There will be a folder by the classroom sign-in sheet
November 22 Thanksgiving Feast honoring all “grand” parents. The 4’s will begin at 11:40 in the Parish Hall. Sign-ups sheets will be out soon.
November 23 & 24 No school.
December 3 Christmas Stroll parade. Our school will have a float. Everyone is invited to ride!
I hope you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Ms. Neitsch
Oh my, November is here!!! Wow, our October has sure gone quickly. We have been so busy with learning our alphabet, writing, drawing and playing that school just doesn’t seem like enough time to get all our fun in. Peyton sure did enjoy helping me make our Banana Smoothies and cut apples for our Applesauce! Samuel and Colin and Alex are my resident architects; they love building with the unifix cubes. You would be amazed how many different patterns the children can make with the unifix cubes! Camille can tell you all about how to do the perfect tea party; it seems that they are always creating in the kitchen and passing out plates and cups to everyone for tea! Daniel and Keegan are
our creative geniuses; they love the computer, books and creative play with all sorts of wonderful ideas coming from their imaginations. In the month of November we have some very exciting events. We will be having our School’s Annual Thanksgiving Feast and our special guests will be our grandparents, but our whole families are invited! We also will be getting a special addition to our class, our own class pet, more to come; I want to surprise the children! Also with Thanksgiving we will be talking about what we are thankful for and remembering our blessings from God. The teachers will also begin evaluating the children for their progress reports coming out in the next couple of months; I like to take my time with this so that it is not so much pressure for the children.
A BIG THANK YOU goes out to my parents for their continued support for the class by bringing supplies needed for various projects. Thank you to Heather Morse for helping me fix my computer issue, now we can play games and hear them on our class computer; hurray for the Morse Family!
I feel very fortunate to have such an amazing class that is both enthusiastic and energetic; we have so much fun learning about God’s World and its many wonders!
Happy Happy Birthday to Camille & Colin! They are both turning 5 this month!! WOW!
Ms. Micki
We have such a wonderful month planned for November. We will be focusing on fall and Thanksgiving. The children’s fine motor skills are improving so much. The children are learning to hold their pencils and scissors correctly. One of our biggest gains is found with our social skills. We are taking turns, trying to do things ourselves before asking for help, and treating our friends the way we want to be
treated. We have studied the letters A-F so far. We are learning to write upper case and lower case, and we are learning phonics. Most of all, we’re having fun! Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Grace Episcopal Preschool 1314 East University Ave Georgetown, TX 78627 (512) 863-6214